The Execution of Major Andre by John Evangelist Walsh delves into the dramatic events surrounding the capture and execution of British Major John Andre during the American Revolutionary War. Andre, a brilliant and charismatic officer, was dispatched as a secret agent to collaborate with Benedict Arnold in a plot to surrender West Point to the British.
The book meticulously recounts the events leading to Andre’s capture, highlighting his ill-fated decisions and the role of chance in his downfall. Walsh paints a vivid portrait of Andre’s character, exploring his motivations, charm, and tragic flaws.
Walsh also delves into the political and military context of the time, examining the impact of Andre’s capture and execution on the course of the American Revolution. He explores the controversy surrounding Andre’s fate, analyzing the arguments for and against his execution.
The book offers a nuanced and insightful look at one of the most pivotal moments in American history, challenging readers to consider the complexities of war, espionage, and the human cost of conflict.
Print: First Palgrave Edition 2001
Condition: Like New
ISBN: 0312238894
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